A bizarre incident marked this year’s Easter celebrations at Kwahu in the Eastern Region, leaving many merrymakers and celebrants in great shock, after a pretty lady in her mid-twenties openly had sex with a young man in the full glare of merry-makers.

    The alleged incident took place on the popular Obomeng high street where many merry-makers on such occasions converge for fun and socialization, around 8:30pm on Saturday, and where was having a massive street jam for celebrants. The young man, in his late twenties, had accosted the lady who was dressed in skimpy knickers and an ‘inviting’ white top with the inscription, “Who can sex with me in public” and challenged her that he was ready to have sex with her in public. The young man, who looked drunk and was in the company of friends, started undressing.

   The lady readily accepted the challenge, also undressed and the two engaged in ‘rollicking’ sex in the open, with onlookers watching the spectacle in great shock. The lady in question was said to be a prostitute and was later seen chatting up and chasing clients for sex for GH¢10. Many wondered why morality in modern Ghana had sunk so low, while others expressed the opinion that people around should have arrested and handed them over to the police.
   The bizarre incident became the talk of the Easter celebrations. This year’s Easter celebrations, apart from the open sex incident, were also low-key, with many people being passive celebrants.

Source@ Daily Guide

About Kojo Rep

Hi there! I am Hung Duy and I am a true enthusiast in the areas of SEO and web design. In my personal life I spend time on photography, mountain climbing, snorkeling and dirt bike riding.
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